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Сообщение  lustMari Чт 28 Июл 2011, 18:09

Internet aDting Purgatory Alisonwrote: I have a profile on 3 internet dating sites...and seriously, I rarely respond to a single man...on and off(clearly with no complete success) I have dated a few men (only 2 for about 2 months) Well on MatchMaker.com (before their site changed) there was an annoying "wink" system...where men (and women) could simply send a wink without an email...I would occassionally notice a new wink added to my profile and check to see if ANYONE interesting would appear. To my surprise, about 3 months ago...a sweet man from England "winked" me...and we had so much in common so I emailed him...and we hit it off and a correspondence grew... While he is from England, he stated "he loved NYC and is looking for a a New York woman who likes the theatre" (me for one) and that he would be visiting NYC soon. About a month ago, he indicated he would be coming here soon. And we discussed meeting....many many many times. I finally got up the nerve to give him my phone numbers... A week went by...and while I had given him every possible way to contact me, he sent me a few emails indicating how busy he was...via EMAIL, I suggested a day...and then, the great blackout happened and no word well, eventuallyhe did call me (when I was in the shower, as luck would have it) and I wae in shower...(poor me) Then...he emailed me (no mention of the phonecall) and asked me where and when we could meet. I am serious, no phone # ever was given...he was impossible to reach...and as it turns out, due to work, I could not meet him the day I had suggested...and I emailed him this...(as I believe the story goes...he never responded...I was wondering if he even knew how to reach me...) Then..several days later a response: hi alison no need to apologise... it's just one of those annoying circumstantial things... ships that fail to bump in the night! howeevr, to give you a heads up, i've started seeing someone i met via matchmaker and i'm quite busy anyway giving our burgeoning but exciting new relationship my full attention (are all you women in New York so inspiring so quickly, or is it just me bring a hopeless romantic?) anyway, thought i should fill you in on my no longer single status (but i'd still be very happy to meet up sometime and chew over the state of theatre as friends) ... but i certainly wuoldn't want to misrepresent what's going on hope all is well with you, and maybe hear from you sometime truly nick He met someone else from MM. And I am left wondering....hkw? In other words...why do men think it is a kind thing to lead someone on in some sort of internet dating purgatory? dating uk Adelaide online dating black singles international Bathurst online dating I am a young attractive female. I am not looking for a relationship - just someone to have fun with. You should be someone that is looking for the same thing. I have a boyfriend, so I am not looking for anything mre than a sexual encounter! This is wha I believe in and want to find one day...I wanjt a movie kind of love. I want the type of deep connection and meant to be together love they have in The Notebook . ( if your not into romance and not a hopeless romantic, dont bother writing me.) Is this too much to ask for? Safe sex only. No smokers either. 18-45yrs only please. Single men only please and you must be wanting sex but NO RELATIONSHIP. I'm all about sexy, I always wear heels, alwasy done to the T... My hair is always done, i dont wear too much make up but my face is clear and naturally glows on its own.. Whatever else you'd like to know just ask because i can write a book hehe. Im just looking for a friend with benefits. Im very affectionate! very sociable! Looking for a man with no headgames and ready for a sexual relationship with no drama involved. Someone outgoing, that knows how to respect and treat a woman the same way he wants to be treated back!!!! i want to experiment with no strings attached, one night stands please. i've never done this before. i'm looking for some safe fun! if you want the same then send me a message.


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Palmerston free online dating  - Tired of the same old thing - Страница 2 Empty australia free online dating - Can u drop it on me?

Сообщение  lustAiya Чт 28 Июл 2011, 18:53

Ponzi Dating Please enjoy this oh so funny post from Gayle about one guy who couldn't take a hint to save his life! About 15 years ago I made my maiden voyage to Martha's Vineyard. There weren't many people on the ferry from Wood’s Hole, just a handful of us, so the handsome, pock-marked man with a calm look caught my attention. I don't remember how we ended up talking (my ex-husband would say that I probably pushed my breasts out and tossed my hair, something he always says I do when I flirt)but I found out that he was the roadie/manager for a band that was playing at a bar in Oak Bluffs very close to where the ferry docks. Somehow I wormed my way into his lunch with the band members at the bar who asked me to come see them play that night. I didn't think that there would be any way in hell that my two gay, West Coast friends who I was visiting would come with me to continue my flirtation with a roadie for some hippie-ish bar band. But, well, they did and it actually became their MISSION to get me laid. We had a great time at th bar and the band was surprisingly excellent. When they had played their last set and Clive started breaking down, my friends URGED me to suggest that he come back to my hotel room. The bar lights were flashing last call, and my friend was insisting that I slip him my room number. Somehow, it ended up on a napkin along with my lipsticked mouth imprint and my friend ran to the stage to give it to him. I was mortified. I was thrilled. Like a ship captain's wife holding vigil, but without the widow's walk and fliwy white nightgown I stared out my window almost all night, waiting for Clive to walk up the path to the hotel and come rap at my door. The bed was right under the window and I remember just finally sinking, rather sadly, into sleep. When I left the next mornign to go meet my friends, I noticed that they had left a little note taped to a post that said "Gayle's Room" with an arrow pointing in my direction. Back in Boston, with e-mail in its infancy, I found yet another way to contact Clive and I received an e-mail back, with some semi-apology about not coming back to the hotel, how he had taken a late-night walk and watched the sunrise. At the end of the e-mail, though, he said that there was something he really wanted to talk to me about in person and wondered if I would meet him in Providence when the band was playing, sometime during that next week. Something he needed to talk to me about in PERSON? Was he going to profess his love for me and needed me in front of him to kiss passionagely and carry me away into the Providence sunset? In my mind, that was the only option and I told him that, yes of course, I'd be there. I drove the hour-plus thinking of nothing else but how exicting a first kiss would be. I walked into the rather large place and saw Clive, in shorts, Timberlands and a tee-shirt. We hugged each other and sat down at a high-top table, ordered drinks, some pub-ish food and made quick small talk. Within maybe 8 minutes, Clive pulled a napkin out of the dispenser and took out a pen. "This is whta I wanted to talk to you about." He started drawing boxes and arrows and began to describe something that I couldn't even follow. Why was this man DRAWING DIAGRAM ON A NAPKIN WHEN HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE KISSING ME????? It didn't take long before the boxes became a pyramid and I realized what was happening. I became an arrow on the bottom of a pyramid. He thought that I would bring him money and a bump up to the next level. To this day, I'm still confused how "boxes" could make someone rich. I lte him finish his spiel and he went back to setting-up for the band. I was stunned. I was temporarily immobilized. I had an hour and a half drive home and it was already way past my bedtime. All I could think about was how it wouldn't matter anymore if I smoked a million cigarettes because my breath wasn't an issue. I'm pretty certain that I had it in me to laugh, shake my head and not blame it on myself for being deficient in any way. There have been some other doozies of dates and situations since then, but, I'm sure that this will stand out as one for the "Dates From Hel"l record books. singles in Perth free online dating singles in South Australia free online dating Townsville-Thuringowa free online dating Free Internet Dating singles in Toowoomba free online dating my friends say i have an innocent but seductive look Wink im looking to hook


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Palmerston free online dating  - Tired of the same old thing - Страница 2 Empty singles in australia free online dating - Online dating is new to me

Сообщение  lustAyan Чт 28 Июл 2011, 19:37

I once heard that from the day that you are born, you and your soulmates names are written together in heaven. Not too long ago......I met my soulmate. I believe that it was fate, and have no doubt in my mind that he is "The One". While bored I decided to surf the net. Being that I was suddenly a single, I decided to post my profile on a dating site. I was not expecting to go into this and actually fall in love with someone that I had mte online. That was the futhest thing from my mind. I only did it because I was bored and wanted to have a few laughs. After my second day online......I had hundreds of messages sent to my online mailbox. I read through most of them and had a few good laughs. (Especially at all the marriage proposals.) But never replied to any. I thought it was to weird. After searching and lookinjg through the male profiles......I came across one that really caught my attention. Not only was this the best looking guy I had ever seen, he seemed like he had a wonderful personality. He sounded like just the person that I was looking to get to know better. I sat and analyzed the pro's and con's of actually sending him a message. Something told me to "just do it." It was a feeling like I had never felt before. Besides I had nothing to lose. If he didn't reply back......oh well. That night, April 25th, 2011, I finally got the nerve up to send him a message. The next night I logged on and found that he had replied to my message...which really surprised me. Later that night, we ended up chatting on the website and sending each other emails. Every night since then we have talked for at least 5 hours a night......sometimes more. Over the past months we have shared every detail of our lives with each other. I feel like he knows me and I really know him. There isn't one person that knows me more than he does. There's nto one person that I would rather talk to, more then I enjoy talking to him. I feel so lucky to have found him when I did. I knew he was out there all along, I just knew that I had to find him. And now that I have, I don't know how I have survived without him. It was purely fate that led me to that website that one night in Apriil. It was just luck that I came across his profile and had that gut feeling to just "do it." He is my life, my love, my best friend, and my soulmate sent from heaven. I love him dearly with all my heart and soul. I thought that I had been in love before.....I had dated a guy for three years. We were engaged, and living together. But I never knew if he was the one. I always had doubts. After it ended I knew that I was better off. I wasn't searching for anyone when I found Jason. It happened purely accidentap, but I am so glad it did. He gives me hope, trust, honesty, but most of all he gives me love. I am completely happy with him. When I'm not talking to him I want to be. I go through my day...doing my normal daily habits like I do everyday.....but the seconds turn into minutes that turn into hours----that I spend thinking about him. I can't wait to get home everyday to talk to him online or by phone. Some people don't believe in falling in love wiuth someone that you have never met. But I am one to say that all things are possible...you just have to believe. No we have never met physically, but we know each other on a personal level. We know and love each other for what is on the inside. WAe share similar personalities...and love talking to one another about everything and anything. I can tell him anything and not be scared to. I have told him more about me in the past month, then I have ever told anyone in my entire life. I never thought in a million years that I would fall hopelessly in love with someone that I had met online. But now that I have I think it is the most wonderful thing in the world. I know that he is "The One"......I feel it throughout my whole body, heart and soul. I miss him every minute of the day. He fills my days with happiness beyond anything I have ever known. I thought I couldonly hope and dream that one day a man like this would come along. But my dreams have come true.........so, Jason, if your reading this I LOVE YOU!!! Gold Coast-Tweed Heads dating Perth dating Maitland dating singles in New South Wales free online dating Albury-Wodonga online dating NEW! I am tired of games!! Guys if your not ok with meeting offline why are you here??? I am still looking and I hope the right guy is out there but


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Palmerston free online dating  - Tired of the same old thing - Страница 2 Empty Townsville-Thuringowa free online dating - I am about to go off

Сообщение  lustAman Чт 28 Июл 2011, 20:22

Hi. My name is Victoria. I am only 16 years old but I think I have fallen in love. In February 1999 we finally connected to the internet after many months of indecision. I can confidently say that I was taken aback by this new and incredible world of information. Within days I was using the internet for anything and everything, however it was not until April that I actually started using chat. I found that most of the people that I met over chat only wanted one thing.. SEX! I tried to ignore these people and I started concentrating on finding people that I could relate to. However this came to no avail as people either wanted sex or nothing... In early May, one Saturday evening I connected to the internet like per usual, and entered a yahoo chat room. I was making general conversation with the entire room when I was pm'd by a guy under the name of Pratt (his real name is remaining anonymous). Pratt and I started talking and after exchanging the basics (age/ sex/ location etc... He said he was 22/m/kansas) he asked me what I wanted to chat about. I told him that I didn't really care as long as it was interesting.. He then told me outright that he wasn't interested in sex. I told him that I was glad to hear this because neither was I. He then suggested that we play chess or something. I said that this sounded like a good idea. However it wasn't as easy as it sounded as I had never used yahoo games before, and neither of us could find each other for a long while. I was just about to give up when I realised that we had both managed to find the same room finally. Before I had time to say anything he told me that he loved me and that he would marry me.. Then we both cracked up laughing.. During the game of chess we talked about all sorts of things.. And when we finijshed we said good bye and that was that! I didn't hear from Pratt again for nearly three weeks. I completely forgot about him. However when I became sick, and I was stranded at home with nothing to do I started to experiment with the internet. It was during my explorations that I came across a thing called yahoo pager. This was a mechanism that was meant to let you know when your friends were on line. I decided to take thw plunge and download it, hoping like hell that it wouldn't crash the computer. Luckily for me pager downloaded nice and smoothly and before I knew it I had logged in to yahoo pager. As soon as my password was verified I was bombarded with 'off line' messages from Pratt.. As I read through the messages I couldn't help but laugh. This guy really had understood me when we had played chess.. It was after reading these messages that I added Pratt to my friends list. The following day I was on the internet at about Midday when I suddenly got a message saying 'hi'. Pratt was online. We spent the entire afternoon talking (despite it was 3 am where he was). From this day onwards we have become very close friends. We have been through so much together.. He was there for me when I was ready to commit suicide and I was there when he swallowed his guitar pick. We have e-mailed, chatted, pm'd, voice chatted, exchanged photographs, and just recently talked over the phone. For some time now I have been feeling very strong feelings for him, however I will not let myself believe these feelings as he is 6 1/2 years older than me... About three weeks ago we started talking about love and somehow the conversation started to reflect on the two of us. Pratt admitted that he was in love with me, however beause I was under 18, he couldn't let himself believe that he was in love with me. Afetr he told me this I felt safe in telling him how I felt. I admitted to him that I can't see it possible to love osmeone you have never met, but I was in love with him, but I wouldn't let myself believe this either because I can't trust my feelings. This was when he turned to me and said that he hopes that in 14 months time I can trust my feelings because, the day I turn 18 he is going to be so ecstatic about it that he knows that he can't hold back his love.. I never thought I could feel this way about anyone ever, but I do. I know this is true love Ijust have to trust my feelings and see what happens. dating uk Port Macquarie free online dating New South Wales free online dating singles in Tamworth free online dating free dating i do not care about your race, your looks . youu can be short or tall. skinny or fat. hairy or shaved. just be yourself and know how to give me what i n


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